Thanks to all…
…who made this “hyperblog” for the 2010 Cohen Forum on transparency a success! Special thanks to Sunny Hughes for live-blogging the conference and feeding questions to the panelists, to Desiree Butterfield-Nagy for organizing the forum, and to Joline Blais for suggesting this interactive accompaniment to the live event.
Registration is now closed, but all the posts are archived here for future reference. Please contact Still Water for more information.
jonippolito 9:23 pm on November 12, 2010 Permalink |
Interesting comparison! It seems odd to me that this movie is touted as uniting people who never talk about the war. Virginia Woolf famously refused to write about war so as not to validate it with more attention than it already received. But I wonder if valuing transparency wouldn’t suggest it would be better if the movie catalyzed more discussion about our wars in the Middle East…
jonippolito 9:33 pm on November 12, 2010 Permalink |
Aron replied to this question by claiming that someone looking for that could always find another documentary that took a strong political stance on the war. He described how the rule of troop greeters is to leave politics at the door, so he tried to follow the same principle in the movie.