Thanks to all…
…who made this “hyperblog” for the 2010 Cohen Forum on transparency a success! Special thanks to Sunny Hughes for live-blogging the conference and feeding questions to the panelists, to Desiree Butterfield-Nagy for organizing the forum, and to Joline Blais for suggesting this interactive accompaniment to the live event.
Registration is now closed, but all the posts are archived here for future reference. Please contact Still Water for more information.
Martin 1:52 pm on November 12, 2010 Permalink |
Will questions posted here be answered by the presenters?
sunny_hughes 2:08 pm on November 12, 2010 Permalink |
Yes. We will pass questions on to the moderators.
Martin 3:58 pm on November 12, 2010 Permalink |
How do I add my photo? I don’t think I have apprpriate permissions in the system, or at least I can’t find the option.
sunny_hughes 4:08 pm on November 12, 2010 Permalink |
To upload a photo for the blog, use the gravatar site:
use your login and password for the wordpress blog to log in.
then upload a photo.
you will get a confirmation notice in your email which you need to confirm to activate it; in a few minutes the photo/gravatar will appear on the blog.
Martin 4:22 pm on November 12, 2010 Permalink |